Welcome to the WGS GTA Resource Page! This is designed to be your one-stop-shop for links and information that might be useful for teaching or other GTA activities. Check the links in the sidebar for teaching and classroom related information; general expectations and other useful info is below. If you ever have any questions about this page (or anything you think should be added!) please email the Program Coordinator at elise.robinson@uga.edu. General Expectations In addition to your primary teaching duties (creating syllabi, selecting course materials, determining course policies, holding class sessions, office hours, and grading), you are also expected to attend IWS events and to publicize those events in your classes (offering extra credit for attendance or otherwise integrating events into your course content is encouraged). These events include: The Friday Speaker Series (6-8 Fridays per semester, an invited speaker gives a presentation on a topic related to women's and gender studies) Fall Faculty Welcome Reception (every fall the WGS hosts a reception for faculty members) Student Research Symposium (WGS organizes a mini-conference for UGA undergrads and grads in early spring; WGS GTAs assist the Associate Director with reviewing abstracts and running the conference) Women's History Month (promote the calendar of events in classes and your department; attend the Keynote Address at the end of March) Andrea Carson Coley Lecture (promote the event in classes and attend the lecture in late April) The Women and Girls in Georgia Conference (apply for a grant! and promote conference attendance in your classes) Other Useful Information One USG Quick Start for GTAs Follow WGS on Instagram and FaceBook Copier: The number of copies allocated to each individual will be announced before the beginning of each new academic year. If you do not know the amount you have been allocated, please see the Administrative Associate. The allocation is based on the course load taught by the Instructor. If you need assistance with the copier, please ask the Administrative Associate at the front desk or the IWS staff. In order to use the copier in Women’s Studies, you will need a department ID code. There is no password assigned for the copier. The following instructions should help you with your copying needs: Enter your Department ID (last four digits of your social security number). Press the "OK" button on the touchscreen. The default setting is "black&white," "full size," and "auto paper select." Enter the number of copies needed using the key pad on the right. Place the original document either in the top feeder, face-up, or under the lid, face-down. Push the green "START" button on the key pad on the right to start making your copies. To make double-sided or stapled copies, etc. press the appropriate buttons on the touchscreen, near the bottom. It is a good idea to make a "SAMPLE COPY" before making all copies to be certain it is correct. If asking the Administrative Associate to make copies or scans for you, please give them your department ID code and a timeline of when you need the task completed. Mailboxes: GTA mailboxes are located behind the front desk in the main office. Please check your mailboxes AT LEAST once a semester. If you plan on having students turn assignments in to your mailbox, please let the Admin Associate know to expect that traffic. (We can also have a box out front for assignments that don't fit in the mailbox.) GTA Office: WGS does not have individual offices for GTAs, but there are two shared office spaces in the main office: Room 15 (across the hall from the Program Coordinator's office) and Room 18 (at the end of the hall). These rooms have computers and printers for your use. Please do not leave personal items in this office! Class Scheduling/Rooms: Classes are scheduled by the Assistant Director. Campus Reservations assigns classrooms for all Women's Studies courses, except for those using the WGS seminar room. Once Campus Reservations has assigned classrooms, room change requests can be submitted to the Assistant Director. Requests are not guaranteed, but please send requests as soon as possible.