Professor of Spanish Literature Associate Academic Director, Willson Center for Humanities & Arts Dana Bultman, Ph.D. 1998 Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am interested in working with IWS students on research projects, including CURO, that focus on women writers, historical conventions of gender and social class, and interfaces between religion and artistic production in the context of the Hispanophone world--either fully in English translation, in Spanish, or bilingually, depending on student goals. I invite IWS undergraduates and graduate students who wish to become more proficient at using UGA's Special Collections archives, such as the Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library, to contact me for individual guidance. I regularly teach SPAN 3030 Texts in Global Contexts and SPAN 4040 Literary Adventures in Spain in Romance Languages, graduate courses in Spanish, and ocasionally offer an IWS split level undergraduate/graduate course in English.