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Cecília Paiva Ximenes Rodrigues

Cecilia Rodrigues photo
Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Associate Professor, Portuguese

I am Associate Professor of Portuguese and Curriculum Coordinator of the federally-funded Portuguese Flagship Program. I hold a Ph.D. in Lusophone Literatures from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I specialize in Contemporary Brazilian Culture and Literature. My research interests include prose fiction of the 21st century, women’s writing, ecofeminism, Indigenous literature, narratives of displacement, and the construction of Brazilian national identities. I am also interested in the teaching of Portuguese as a second language (PLE), specifically through project-based learning. My articles have been published in Hispania, Brasil/Brazil, Luso-Brazilian Review, among other journals. My book, Além da ruína: articulações da esperança na narrativa de Milton Hatoum (2018), was published by Edições UFC, Brazil. I am also the co-founder of the US Chapter of Women of Letters (Mulherio das Letras), a Brazilian women writers’ collective. Raízes: Brazilian Women Poets in Translation (Venas Abiertas, 2022) is the collective’s first publication. In 2023, I published Itinerários para o silêncio/Pathways to Silence (Aliás, 2023), a bilingual poetry book.


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